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Jun 18, 2013

RIO 2000 and Clay Sediments

I am a homeowner with a water well. For years, when rainfall exceeds 1" in 24 hours, the water turns brown for 24 to 48 hours. I'm pretty sure it's fine clay sediment because it precipitates over a period of months to a thin mud-like residue in my toilet tanks. When I bought the house, the well was equipped with a UV sterilizer and sediment prefilter. I use 5u string-wound cartridges. I want a filter that will remove the brown color. Even a 1u PUR faucet filter does not completely remove it, suggesting that the smallest particles are sub-micron, but I don't know how to be sure. What I have read ranges from vague to misleading. Any Ideas?
 You could use the RIO 2000 ceramic micro filter, however, during these rainy and run-off periods, the colloidal clay you have in your water may clog this tight filter element. It filters particles down to 0.05 micron in size so it will certainly filter it out. However, there's no way to determine how often the filter gets clogged and requires cleaning. I would first try to use a 1 micron sediment depth filter, like the one we have here:
 If that doesn't work, then you could certainly consider the RIO 2000 filter system but please be aware it may require daily maintenance because this clay matter can pass through a pre-filter.

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