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Nov 29, 2005

British Berkefeld as the primary source of clean filtered water

I am publishing a series of articles on Emergency Preparedness in the Fort Fairfield Journal, a newspaper circulated in Northern Maine and across the country by subscription.

The upcoming issue will feature an article on Food Storage; Why reserve food stocks should be considered.

I will also be mentioning the British Berkefeld as the primary source of clean filtered water.

A 1/4 page (5" x 7") ad costs $42.00 per issue. Smaller sizes are available on request. A website mention would only cost $5.00
Please contact me if you are interested.
We can't keep up with demand of our gravity filters without advertising especially during the hurricane season. After Katrina FEMA and Red Cross depleted all of the gravity filters so we had to sell "scratched and dented" until new supply arrived from England.
We thank you for your offer.

Will the hot water from the heating tank be filtered water, as well?

I'm just about to make my decision in purchasing the "dual temperature instant hot systems include choice of hot & cold water dispenser, Doulton IP100UC filter, heating tank and complete and comprehensive installation kit ($79.00 value)." But, before I do I have a question, please. I understand that with the filter my cold water will be filtered, but will the hot water from the heating tank be filtered water, as well? If so, wonderful. If not, then how do I get filtered water for my hot water? (I hope that makes sense) :-)
Both water temperatures will be filtered. The installation kit comes with color coded red (hot) and blue (cold) filtered water tubing.
I want to order some your water cooler dispenser for my families, I want the syste that can make the cold and hot, also i want something not above 1200 US Dollars for each.
On the following link you'll find exactly what are you looking for Doulton filtered Instant hot/cold/chilled water systems in five distinctive designs and numerous luxurious finishes.

Do your filters fit a Katadyn countertop filter? The cheap ones made in Korea literally fell apart in the filter. Thank you.

Part number W9123016 found on the following link should fit Katadyn pressure filter.

Good water filter

I would be interested in a good water filter. My wife has concerns about quality of water.

We have a wide range of water filters however a single housing with three or four stage filtration element is more than anyone would ever need. These filters can be purchased directly from our web site or local "Home Expo Centers" under the brand name "Mountain Pure". On the following links you'll find most residential water filters either counter-top or under-sink models


If you are looking for just drinking and cooking water our under-sink filters are very compact. The whole craft systems RIF series can be installed anywhere after fresh water pump. Depend on your pump capacity and operating pressure requirements the whole craft filters can deliver up to 2.3 and 4.6 GPM flow rate.